CTC - Climate Technology Center BONN
Bonn Climate Project
The Bonn Climate Project reflects to the necessity for international joint research and development for the turn-key deployment of complete solutions, pilot plants and the transfer of technologies throughout the world, particularly into emerging and developing countries, in order to find and provide solutions for the global energy-, environmental-, water- food and security problems.
Hydrogen Strategy Paper
droughts, water shortages, crop failures, diseases and warfare”

European Competence Center for Energy & Environmental Transfer
CTC – Climate Technology Center BONN, Kalkofenstr. 5, 53340 Meckenheim, Region Bonn, Germany.
Steuer Nummer 222/5452/2306 Finanzamt Sankt Augustin
Phone +49 228 92599553 Fax +49 228 92599554 info@clean-energy-bonn.org,
www.clean-energy-bonn.org Chairmen Heinz Sturm, Bonn
Deutsche Bank BONN IBAN DE 54 380 700 240 055071500 BIC DEUT DE DB380 and Account 055071500 Account Holder Sturm/CTC